Tuesday, June 20, 2023

5-Star River City Bank
Because Who You Bank With Matters
Rome, GA – June 2023: BauerFinancial, Inc., the Nation’s Premier Bank Rating Firm, proudly acknowledges that River City Bank has earned its highest, 5-Star rating for financial strength and stability for 21 consecutive quarters. This latest rating was assigned in June 2023 based on March 31, 2023 financial data and signifies that River City Bank continues to be one of the strongest banks in the nation.
“Bank with an institution that you can trust will be there for you when you need it,” suggests Karen Dorway, president of BauerFinancial. “We’ve all seen what can happen. Banks that are not well-rounded can run into trouble in a very short time. BauerFinancial’s star-ratings take into account a broad range of current and historical data to minimize that risk. That’s one way River City Bank’s 5-Star status differentiates it from other banks you may have heard about in the news… because who you bank with does matter.”
That includes banks like River City Bank. Since its inception in 2006, River City Bank has been a dedicated mainstay in this community. With a solid track record behind it, River City Bank has displayed the strength and fortitude to continue pressing forward in the same discerning manner that it has for the past 17 years.
Visit rivercity.bank.
River City Bank: “Expect more.”
Bank and Credit Union data compiled from financial data for the period noted, as reported to federal regulators. The financial data obtained from these sources is consistently reliable, although; the accuracy and completeness of the data cannot be guaranteed by BauerFinancial, Inc. Since 1983, BauerFinancial has relied upon this data in its judgment and in rendering its opinion (e.g. determination of star ratings). BauerFinancial, Inc. is not a financial advisor; it is an independent bank research firm. No institution can pay for or opt out of a BauerFinancial rating. Star-ratings are all available for free at bauerfinancial.com.
BauerFinancial, Inc. P.O. Box 143520, Coral Gables, FL 33114 bauerfinancial.com